Most anyone interested in reading or writing a poem must be thankful to the web for making poetry a favourite art form and giving the poets a position, a face, and a socket for displaying their work. Somehow, our civilization had forgotten about poetry or denigrated it to the lowest level of the language arts caste, and many poets have lived under the shadow of being a sloth rather than getting a real job. It is not the kind of oral slam that goes on in the coffee houses, but it is a friendly online poetry competition that is considered an enormous occasion by our members. Poetry is a major craze in our website, and even though the website is a general writing website, virtually every member has tried his hand.
Perhaps this was because the poets told a lot of the hurtful truths no one wanted to admit, or might be because, as a civilization, we had been so spoiled with all our material wealth that we paid less attention to the intellect of the soul. This scornful attitude against poetry exhibits itself quite clearly in myrelist media. Without seeing titles, if we just think of important papers in our major cities, we find that almost all of them devote sections and pages to novels written by VIPs and bimbos, theatre arts, the music world, style, food, travel, property.
Poetry’s first start is as old as humanity, for poetry was oral and the best poets of any tribe or clan were held in high esteem. Today, in certain ways, poetry is returning to its origins at festivals, coffee houses, slams, open-mikes, and hip-hop, rap, and youth events. Still, this is not enough to sate the desire of the masses for poetry. Other advantages include the organizational principle of this stanza, since its configuration depends on its rhyme schemes. It supplies the expectation or anticipation of a sound’s repetition, and hones the poet’s ability to communicate meaning, preserve patterning, and establish the needed words to keep the rhyme.
At least, there is one place where the Google searches affirm poetry’s popularity the world wide web has provided an outlet for the poem and for the operation of the individual, if or not a genuine poet or an enthusiast. In an era, when humanistic thought is breaking political boundaries, more focus on poetry is necessary in the media so the world can be changed in the depths of its soul and enslaved minds can be free. If a new definition for discussion of the people on this earth is in order, poetry has become a part of that definition.